Sunday, October 25, 2009

So, apparenly everyone's doin' it!

Ok, so I have had this silly blog for like a year now, and I have NEVER done anything with it! Everyone I know has a blog, refers to it, and love it! I had a "Live Journal" back in the day, but that was back in college when I had more fun and random things to share...I guess now I can share bits of my life with you! I do have to warn you, I use way too many periods and commas, and I don't always use the correct punctuation and capitalization. Yes I know how to, but let's be honest, this isn't some college paper that is going to be scrutinized by a boring professor! It's my life... Here it goes....

SOOOO If you know me, you can skip this part... If havn't met or talked talked to me in a while, here is the short run down of the past year. Judd and I got married March 15, 2008 in College Station! WHOOOOP! We moved to a cute house in Katy, Texas. Judd got some job as a Landman duder guy in the natural gas industry based out of houston. Please don't ask me what he does...I'd be lying to you if I tried to explain. While in Katy, I taught first grade at Winborn Elementary. I LOOOVED it there! In fact, it was my dream job. I worked right next door to my best friend/college roommate! not kidding, we shared a wall hahah. Teaching was more like my hobby, and I happened to get paid for it! I met some of the most extraordinary people at Winborn, and they will forever be in my heart! The 08-09 first grade team is so dear to me! They were my family in Houston while I was struggling to make it through a tough year! I love you guys!!! anyways... RIGHT after I got the job at Winborn, Judd took a job with a company based in FORT WORTH! We lived apart for the first year of marriage. I had the house, and he had a small apartment in the DFW metroplex. :( We saw each other on the weekends and Holidays...and that's about it! it was a bummer!!! He was so good to drive down to Katy every weekend, just to turn around Monday morning and drive back up to Fort Worth. I DO NOT suggest living away from your spouse if you are a newlywed! (or oldlywed) IT IS NOT FUN!! While in Katy, I lived through Hurricane Ike...He ruined our roof and our ceiling fell in. It was a disaster. But some firendly members of the church tarped the roof so the damage wouldn't get worse while I was out being a refugee in Oklahoma. When Judd and I thought it was safe to return to Katy after all of the storms, we came home to find pink insulation ALL over the carpet, and water damage in 2/3 of our walls. (good thing we didn't take that advice to buy the house!) SOOOOO from September 12-Late December I lived in a house with a HUUUGE hole in the ceiling, and moisture hanging out in the walls....(can you imagine what was growing in those walls?!?) Good thing I had this awesome team member at work (thanks katrina) that let me crash at her house for like 6 weeks, just so I wouldn't have to live in those nasty conditions! After the house was re-walled, and I'm not exaggerating, the air conditioner leaked and ruined the SAME huge piece of ceiling that was just replaced. We called the property manager in January...and she never did anything... I had mold growing in my closet downstairs for crying out loud! Not to be complaining this entire blog, but hard is it to send someone out to fix a ceiling before it gets too bad?!?! Katrina and Toby and the Lalendorff family really saved my sanity last school year! I mean, how many people do you know that you can work with, live with for 6 weeks, work out with, and hang out with AND STILL not get tired of eachother! Katrina is amazing, and Toby is so sweet to let me invade their house all od last fall!! I love the entire Lalendorff family so much! They are truly a blessing in my life!! If you ever have the special opprotunity to meet any one of them... your life will be forever changed! They are amazing!!! anywho... At the end of the school year I moved up to Fort Worth so that we could begin living our "happily ever after!"

There, how's that for an introduction!

I have had several people ask to see pictures of our house so I thought I'd post some here. Please remember that we are slowly decorating the house one paycheck at a time lol, so it's still a work in progress

Here is the is way smaller than my last one but I love it oh soooo much!

This is our living room! Do you know how hard it is to find a good couch?!?! I think Judd and I sat in every couch in the metroplex! One morning after traveling alllll over checking out couches, Judd and I ran into an Ashley's fu
rniture. At this point we had almost lost hope.... BUT when we walked in, they had this living room set on display. It had just come it. We both sat on the couch and Judd said "We'll take it! This and that chair and a half." Dang! I am not going to lie, I was ECSTATIC! downside...we had to wait a few weeks because it was so new. BUT...I loooove my couch it so so so comfy! BTW If you can think of some cute short window treatments that would look good in this room, pleeease lemme know! I have been racking my brain with ideas! I am NOT a decorator, that is for sure!

OH! and I found this cute desk at this little shop in Bryan, Texas! Meadow Lane...where my dear friends from college, Jenna and Elizabeth used to live, had this cute little antique shop on the corner. Jenna and I stopped in real fast when we were in town for another friend, Sarah's bachelorette party...and i walked out with this antique school desk! Only I can go to a bachelorette party and walk away with a piece of furniture! I LLLLOOVE this desk, but had no clue where to put it in my house! soooo,
for now it is an end table! LOVE IT!

My dining room was a fun find of the best mother-in law ever! Thanks Sande!! I love it, and it fits perfectly in our little dining "nook"! However, Skeeter, the bloodhound, finds it quite amuzing to make me chase her a few times around this fine table EVERYTIME I tell her to go to her kennel! grrrr! One day that silly dog will listen to me!!

Here is an older picture of our bedroom! I am sorry that the picture quality and the colors are off, but it was a sunny Sunday, and I just snapped a few shots! I have since added a a lamp on each nightstand...and I need something on the wall above the bed, but I h
ave such commitment issues that I can't find the "just right" piece!

When you enter the master bedroom,
you enter through french doors that lead into a little sitting area. This is where my laptop can often be if you are ever chatting with me online... I am either sitting here... or on the couch. but mostly here! AND can you notice my "friday flowers" on that little table... gosh Judd is so good!!!

Ode' to t
he Guest Room! If you have known me since elementary school, you just might recognize my guest bedroom decor! This is a comforter my mother purchased when I was in the 6th grade, but a few weeks later decided I "wasn't mature enough" for it soooo she waited until after I was married before she would give it back to me...a little silly... but I lover her still! This room was already painted the two tone it fit PERFECTLY...and I love it! SOOOO if you are ever in the metroplex and need a place to stay, you can stay in this supper girly room lol! OH, and there is a picture in that right picture frame now...I just hadn't gotten it developed yet when I took this pic. AND I'd dress the window, but I have no rod....

Well that's it for now! I am now three hours late to bed, and I must be up early for church! Night! I hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!! I loooove Sundays!!


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